Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva
Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC)
C/Jose Gutierrez Abascal 2
28006 Madrid, Spain.
Phone: +34 91 411 13 28. Ext. 11 07
E-mail: pcasado (at)
academic information
January 2007- PhD student at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid, Spain).
Under the PhD program “Global Change and Sustainable Development” of the University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain)
Sep. 2003- Sep. 2004 Studies in Marine Ecology at the University of Aarhus (Denmark).
Sep. 1999- Sep. 2004 Degree in Biology. University of Alcalá (Madrid, Spain).
Other academic courses
Feb. 2006 Course “Geographic Information Systems and facilities allocation”. Organized by the Woman and employment Council of Madrid.
April 2004 Course “Aquatic Ecology and Climate Change”.
PhD Schools COGCI and SOAS. Brorfelde Biological Station. University of Aarhus (DK)
Feb- March 2004 Course “Scientific Writting and Communication”.University of Aarhus (DK).
Fellowships and honors
January 2007- Fellowship from the Spanish National Research Council .
Dep. Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology. Museo de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid, Spain)
Sep- Dic. 2008 Short term visit. Department of Biology. Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA.
Sep. 2003- Sep. 2004 Socrates-Erasmus Grant from the EU for studies at the Marine Ecology department of the University of Aarhus (Denmark).
Participation in research projects
Currently “Conservation genetics in bioconstructing marine species bioindicators of global change” (BBVA foundation). Director: Professor Annie Machordom. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales.
“Micro and macrogeographic differentiation within endangered marine species. Evolutionary implications of different types of larval development on the species phylogeographic structure”. Director: Professor Annie Machordom. Fund by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Jan- Dic. 2008 “Preliminar studies of the populations of the Mediterranean coral Astroides calycularis at Chafarinas Islands”. Director: Professor José Templado. Fund by the Spanish Ministry of Environment.
Jan- Sep. 2004 “Hydraulic control and enhanced primary production”. Director Professor Lars Chresten Lund-Hansen. University of Aarhus (DK).
Jan- Sep 2004 “Influence of temperature and nutrients on biological structures and processes: an experimental approach” within the project: “Consequences of weather and climate change for marine and freshwater ecosystems. Conceptual and operational forecasting of the aquatic environment”. (CONWOY. Director Professor Morten Søndergaard. University of Copenhaguen (Denmark).
Lund- Hansen, L.C., De Amezua Ayala P.C, Reglero, A.F. 2006. “Bio- optical properties and development of a sub- surface chlorophyll maxima (SCM) in southwest Kattegat, Baltic Sea”. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 68: 372- 378.
Lund-Hansen, L.C., Nielsen, M.H., Bruhn, A., Christiansen, Ch., Vang, T., Casado-Amezua, P., Richardson, K., Santolaria, L. 2008. “A consistent high primary production and chlorophyll-a maximum in a narrow strait- Effects of hydraulic control”. Journal of Marine Systems, 74: 395-405.
Submitted: “Development of microsatellite markers for the endangered orange coral Astroides calycularis (Scleractinia, Dendrophyllidae)”. Molecular Ecology Resources
Workshops and congress
May 2008 Workshop: “Conservation and management of invertebrates in Andalucia”. Regional ministry of Environment of Andalucia.
June 2006 International symposium on research and management of eutrophication in coastal ecosystems. Nyborg (Denmark).
Poster: Christiansen, C., Vang, T., Nielsen, M.H., Lund-Hanse, L.Ch., Bruhn, A., Richardson, K., Casado de Amezúa, M.P., Santolaria, L. “The influence of hydraulic control on nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in the Little Belt”.
Feb. 2005 13th Danish Sea Research Meeting. University of Copenhagen (DK).
Poster: Lassen, M.F., Dewar, K., Richardson, K., Casado de Amezúa, M.P., Petersen, S.V., Buss, I, Mogensen, H. “Effekten af små temperaturændringen på vinterfytoplanktonets producktion og fysiologi (Bergen)”
Posters: Lund-Hansen, L.Ch., Pedersen, E., Bruhn, A., Richardson, A., Lassen, M.F., Casado de Amezúa, M.P., Santolaria, L. “Hydrografiens betydning for næringsstoftransport i Lillebælt”
“Chlorophyll maximum in the Little Belt- the effect of hydraulic control?”.
“Hydraulic control in the Little Belt- indications and effects”.
Professional experience outside from research
Ag. 2005- Dec. 2006 TRAGSA company. Working at the Spanish Ministry of Environment as Technical Assistant.
March- June 2003 Technician at the Zooaquarium of Madrid.
English Medium- high level
Certificate in Advanced English
Experience in underwater sampling methods.
Computer programs experience
· Statistic programs: Statistica; SPSS; Sigma-plot; GraphPad.
· GIS programs
· Programs: Sequencher (Gene Code Corporation), PAUP, Mr. Bayes, GeneAlEx, GeneMapper (Applied Biosystems)
· Windows, MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
· Photoshop, Internet, e-mail programes, etc.