Fano, 18th April 1943.
Graduated in Biology at the University of Bologna on 1966. In the summer of ’65 ha participated in the International Course of Marine Biology and Fishing Technologies at the University of Malta. On 1968 he participated to a further specialization course on the same subjects, organized by FAO at Kelibia school of in Tunisia. On 1973 he followed a course of population dynamics and appraisal of ittic stock, organized by FAO and CNEXO in Brest, France. From ’64 he has been participating to all kinds of research activities of the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fishing of Fano, annexed to the University of Bologna.
Since the last 20 years he is director of the Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fishing of the University of Bologna in Fano. He is an university associate professor of Ecology in the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences at the University of Bologna. He has also been a university professor in charge of Idrobiology and Fishing cultivation for the Faculty of Agriculture Sciences. Currently he has also been in charge of the course of fishing and acquicolture biology for the Bachelor Course of Marine Natural Sciences of Ravenna.The Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fishing in Fano is a structure of the University of Bologna. From 1939 it takes the exclusive care of all researches on fishing and marine’s organisms. The carried out researches include studies of biological aspects and fishing technology, biology of some marine species, ittioplancton problems (particularly on eggs and larve of Tunnidi, alici and sardines), appraisal of the biological resources with various methods, some forms of mariculture, realization of artificial submerged structures and creation of marine repopulation areas. This scientific activity, that produced more than 150 publications, is totally revolved to the sea.
As director of Laboratory of Marine Biology and Fishing in Fano, he is part of various councils, at General Direction of Sea Fishery and at Regionals Fishery Councils.
Scientific articles.
Piccinetti C., Marceta B., Jukic-Peladic S., Vrgoc N., Dadic V. – 1997 – Ground fish stocks expedition EU MEDITS’96. Proceedings of abstracts of the papers of the sixth congress of croatian bioogists, Zagreb: 349-350.
Manfrin G., Paolini M., Piccinetti C. – 1998 – Le risorse demersali dell’Alto e Medio Adriatico. Biologia Marina Mediterranea [Risorse Biologiche e Tecnologia] 5(3): 69-108.
Jukic S., Vrgoc N., Dadic V., Krstulovic-Snifer S., Piccinetti C., Marceta B. – 1999- Spatial and temporal distributions of some demersal fish popolutions in the Adriatic Sea described by GIS technique. Acta Adriatica, 40 (suppl.): 55-66.
Jukic-Peladic S., Vrgoc N., Krstulovic-Snifer S., Piccinetti C., Piccinetti Manfrin G., Marano G., Ungaro N. -2001- Long-term changes in demersal resourches of the Adriatic Sea: comparison between trawl surveys carried out in 1948 and 1998. Fisheries Research, 53(1): 95-104.
Tinti F., Di Nunno C., Guarniero I., Talenti M., Fabbri E., Piccinetti C., (2002). Mitochondrial DNA sequence variaion suggest the lack of gentic heterogeneity in the Adriatic and Ionian stocks of Sardinia pilchardus. arine Biotechnolohy, 4: 111-120.
Guarniero I., Franzellitti S., Ungaro N., Tommasini S., Piccinetti C., Tinti F. (2002). Control region haplotype variation in the central Mediterranean common soles (Solea vulgaris) indicates geographical isolation and population structuring in Italian stocks. Journal of Fish Biology, 60: 1466-1481.
Marine Biology and Fishery Laboratory
University of Bologna in Fano
Viale Adriatico 1/N
61032-Fano (PU) ITALY
e-mail: corrado.piccinetti @